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On March 11th 2021, 美国总统签署了一项联邦立法,为应对冠状病毒(COVID-19)大流行影响的个人和组织提供经济救济. 这项名为“美国救援计划”(ARP)的立法是高等教育紧急救援基金(HEERF)为美国高校提供的第三项资金来源和第二项补充.

5月11日, 2021 Saint Paul 大学 was notified that we will receive $9,000,734 of student emergency funds as part of the American Rescue Plan. mg电子试玩app将通过两种奖励方式分配这些资金, 佩尔和州拨款接受者补充ARP奖和ARP紧急基金申请奖.

In addition to passing new funding, 教育部决定,以下学生现在有资格获得美国救援计划和CRRSA法案剩余资金.

  • Concurrent high school students
  • Postsecondary enrollment option students (PSEO)
  • DACA/Dream Act Students
  • International students

通过联邦教育部和明尼苏达州校长办公室的监管指示,对这些资金的使用建立了各种限制. 以下是仍然没有资格获得HEERF学生应急基金的学生. ​

  • Senior Citizens assessed the senior citizen 学费 rate
  • Students enrolled entirely in non-credit courses
  • Incarcerated students

mg电子试玩app将有特殊需要的学生定义为有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金或明尼苏达州助学金的学生. Pell Grant recipients were identified by the U.S. Department of Education as a priority group for exceptional need. We are also including Minnesota State Grant recipients, 由于他们都是来自中低收入家庭的学生,通过标准来确定 Minnesota Office of Higher Education. 学生也可以通过mg电子试玩app学生紧急资金申请证明特殊需要.

ARP Supplemental Awards - Summer 2021

mg电子试玩app向获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生发放了975美元的紧急学生助学金, 明尼苏达州助学金和/或明尼苏达州梦想法案在2021年夏季学期. 这些学生根据他们获得联邦佩尔助学金和/或明尼苏达州助学金/明尼苏达州梦想法案的资格证明了他们的特殊需求. No application was required for the ARP Supplemental Award. 在2021年夏季学期至少获得其中一项奖励的学生将从2021年7月14日开始获得975美元的ARP补充奖励.

这笔975美元的付款被记录在电子服务的帐单和付款部分的ARP补充奖励中. BankMobile accounts was used to transfer these payments to students.

ARP Supplemental Awards – Fall 2021

mg电子试玩app向获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生发放了1600美元的紧急学生助学金, 明尼苏达州助学金和/或明尼苏达州梦想法案在2021年秋季学期. 这些学生根据他们获得联邦佩尔助学金和/或明尼苏达州助学金/明尼苏达州梦想法案的资格证明了他们的特殊需求. No application was required for the ARP Supplemental Award. 在2021年秋季学期至少获得其中一项奖励的学生将从2021年10月13日开始获得1600美元的ARP补充奖励.

The $1600 payment was recorded as an ARP Supplemental Award on the Bills and Payments section in eServices.

ARP Emergency Fund Applications


A $1000 ARP Emergency Fund award was available on the Saint Paul 大学 Student Emergency Funds Application. Students demonstrated exceptional need through this request.

Eligible emergency events included but were not limited to child care, 运输, 住房危机, 食物, utilities (shut-off notices), 医疗费用, 药物, and replacement of destroyed or stolen college textbooks. 有关ARP紧急基金和其他mg电子试玩app紧急基金资格要求的信息, as well as the application, was available on the Saint Paul 大学 Student Emergency Funds Application 网站. All students who were enrolled after March 13, 2020 were considered eligible to apply for ARP Emergency Funds. 付款被记录为ARP特殊情况奖或CRSSAA特殊情况奖,记录在“服务”的“账单和付款”部分.

ARP Supplemental Awards – Spring 2022

mg电子试玩app向获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生发放了700美元的紧急学生助学金, 明尼苏达州助学金和/或明尼苏达州梦想法案在春季学期2022. 这些学生根据他们获得联邦佩尔助学金和/或明尼苏达州助学金/明尼苏达州梦想法案的资格证明了他们的特殊需求. No application is required for the ARP Supplemental Award. 在2022年春季学期至少获得其中一项奖励的学生将从2022年2月23日开始获得700美元的ARP补充奖励.

The $700 payment was recorded as an ARP Supplemental Award on the Bills and Payments section in eServices. 请注意,BankMobile账户将用于将这些款项转移给学生. If you have not yet activated your BankMobile account, please do so now so that you will receive your payment

SSARP Supplemental Awards – Fall 2022

从2022年秋季开始入学的学生将有资格申请ARP补充奖励(SSARP)下的补充支持。. The request is available on the Saint Paul 大学 Student Emergency Funds Application 网站. 目前就读于2022年秋季学期的所有学生都被认为有资格申请SSARP应急基金. 学生每学期最多可以申请500美元(或2022-2023学年最多1500美元)。. This payment will be recorded as an ARP Supp HEERF Special Circumstances​ on the Bills and Payments section in eServices. 请注意,BankMobile账户将用于将这些款项转移给学生. If you have not yet activated your BankMobile account, please do so now so that you will receive your payment.


Bankmobile accounts are being used to transfer all payments to students. If a student has not activated their Bankmobile account, they should do so to promptly access their funds.

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